Applying evidence to decision making

Evidence-informed public health involves identifying, assessing and applying the best available evidence from research, evaluation and experience to inform public health practice and policy decisions. Public health programs and policies that are informed by evidence are more effective, cost-efficient, minimise harm, and contribute to improved health outcomes.

Below are a range of resources that will support you to identify, apply and assess public health evidence.


Supporting evidence-informed public health

The National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools has a wide variety of free resources and online training to support you to apply evidence to decision making. For an overview of what evidence-informed public health means and useful guide that will step you through the process of identifying and applying evidence to your work visit here. To complete online training modules that cover a range of topics including how to search for research evidence to how to assess the applicability of evidence visit their learning centre.

How SiREN supports evidence-informed public health

SiREN has developed a knowledge translation strategy to support the Western Australian sexual health and blood-borne virus sector to apply the best available evidence to decision-making. To find out more about how SiREN supports evidence-informed decision making click here.

SiREN provides regular summaries of the latest sexual health and blood-borne virus evidence from reports, journal articles and podcasts straight to your inbox, to subscribe to this service click here.

If you are having difficulty locating evidence on a specific topic SiREN can help you find what you are seeking. Contact us at


National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools. 2018. 

Armstrong R, Waters E, Dobbins M, Anderson L, Moore L, Petticrew M, et al. Knowledge translation strategies to improve the use of evidence in public health decision making in local government: Intervention design and implementation plan. Implementation Science. 2013; 8(1):121.