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E-News Issue 18, 2018
| December 12, 2018 |
Welcome to SiREN’s E-News. This is your go-to source for the latest sexual health and blood-borne virus related news, training, conferences, events, funding opportunities, jobs, and more. If you have something you would like to share via our E-News let us know.
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News & Resources
Priority actions recommended to address HIV in Australia. CoPAHM members and the SiREN team have recommended a suite of priority action areas to address the current gaps in Australia’s response to HIV and help meet the nation’s goal of ending HIV transmission by 2022. The report builds on past work and includes six priority actions to further operationalise the Australian response to HIV and mobility and future iterations of national and jurisdictional policies relating to HIV.
New National BBV and STI Strategies. The five National BBV and STI Strategies represent the commitment of Australian Governments, researchers and health and community organisations to address the impact of BBV and STI on the Australian community. Together they form a framework and agreed direction for a high quality and coordinated national response to BBVs and STIs for 2018–2022.
New HIV and immigration resource. This resource has been developed by the Australasian Society for HIV Medicine, Queensland Positive People and an expert working group to support clinicians treating patients with HIV who are applying for an Australian permanent residence visa.
Therapeutic Goods Administration approval of Australia’s first HIV self-testing kit. The approval of Australia’s first HIV self-test will add momentum to the HIV prevention effort by making testing more accessible. The single use rapid fingerprick test is expected to be available for online purchase for approximately $30 within three months. Read the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO) media release here.
2018 WA Health Excellence Awards. Congratulations to the Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Program, HepatitisWA, the Department of Justice, SMHS, NMHS, EMHS, and WACHS for taking home the highest honour - the Director Generals Award - for their partnership project - Improving access to hepatitis C treatment in WA prisons. As a result of this project the prevalence of hepatitis C in prisons decreased from 17 per cent in 2016 to 12 percent in 2018.
What it means to have HIV. This new video resource from the Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Program has been developed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and provides an overview of HIV including how it is spread and how it can be effectively treated and prevented.
AFAO welcomes new president. Robert Griew has been elected as the new AFAO President. Robert’s experience spans senior roles in community, private and public sector settings. AFAO thanks outgoing President Dr Bridget Haire for her outstanding service.
Australian Ally Conference 2018 Report. This two-day conference opened up a national conversation on how to activate human rights in relation to sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics for all people well into the future. This report summarises the proceedings of the conference.
Australian Ally Conference 2018 Report. This two-day conference opened up a national conversation on how to activate human rights in relation to sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics for all people well into the future. This report summarises the proceedings of the conference.
2018 Australasian Viral Hepatitis Conference Report. This conference showcased and critically examined ways to effectively reach everyone living with viral hepatitis, while being inclusive of their experiences and concerns. This report captures the highlights and key learnings from this conference and includes links to highlighted videos, abstracts, slides and audio recordings of presentations.
Youth, Sexuality and Sexual Citizenship. This innovative book is of interest to students and scholars of gender and sexuality, health and sex education, and youth studies. It focuses on the numerous domains in which debates about youth, sexuality and citizenship are enacted and contested.
Transgender, Gender Diverse and Non-Binary Prison Experiences. University of Southern Queensland. This study is seeking formerly incarcerated transgender and gender diverse people willing to discuss their time on the inside. It aims to identify transgender and gender diverse specific needs that are not currently being met and ways to improve access to quality health services and management practices within Queensland correctional facilities.
Safety, Risk & Wellbeing on Digital Dating Apps. Swinburne University of Technology is seeking participants for an online survey on dating app use for the Australian Research Council-funded project Safety, Risk and Wellbeing on Digital Dating Apps. They want to learn more about 15-35 year old's experience of dating and hook-up apps in order to inform Australian health promotion and health services.
Queer to Air Podcast. The Freedom Centre. This podcast brings 20+ young people together to share their experience of being LGBTIQ+. Discussion topics include coming out, body image, relationships, seeking help and transitioning. They also interview some key services in the community so young people know what services are out there if they need to reach out for help.
Let’s Talk about ‘Chem’ Sex. Mental Health Commission, Government of Western Australia. This training will provide an understanding of ‘chemsex’ and associated issues and harms. It will support AOD clinical/health workers to get comfortable in engaging clients with conversations around their sexual health, sexual behaviours and ways to reduce ‘chemsex’-related harms. 14 December, Perth.
University of Otago Public Health Summer School. This is the largest and longest running summer school of its type in the Southern Hemisphere. It offers practical 1–4 day courses to anyone who wants to develop their public health knowledge and skills, and includes a wide range of courses including: developing partnerships; research methods; economics, health systems and evidence and healthy public policy. 11 February – 1 March, Otago.
2019 International Union for Health Promotion and Education. This conference defines the “state of the art” in health promotion practice, research, and theory. Abstracts will be accepted until the 20th of December. 7-11 April, Rotorua.
Public Health Prevention Conference 2019. The conference theme is ‘Smashing the Silos’ and it will address the economics of prevention; and ask what is working, what needs to be strengthened and what are the biggest gaps in prevention systems? Abstracts open 7 January. 12-14 June, Melbourne.
2019 Australasian HIV and Sexual Health Conferences. After nearly 10 years, Perth will again host these conferences. The Sexual Health Conference will be held from the 16-18 September and the HIV Conference will be held from the 17-19 September. Be sure to save the date now! Abstracts will open in February and registrations in March. Don't forget SiREN can assist you to prepare your abstract.