News & Resources

HIV diagnoses in Australia drop to lowest number in 18 years. report by the Kirby Institute, released July 3, highlights how Australia continues to lead the world in HIV prevention and records the lowest number of HIV diagnoses since 2001. 

Call for Abstracts. The Youth Affairs Council of WA are organising their second youth sector summit. The theme is technosexual and will explore technology, online and digital spaces. Abstracts close Aug, 14. The event will be held in Floreat, Nov, 12. 
Viral Hepatitis Mapping Project Online Portal. ASHM and the WHO Collaborating Centre for Viral Hepatitis present a highly interactive new tool for exploring geographic diversity of viral hepatitis in Australia. This tool presents the most recent available data on chronic hepatitis B and C by Primary Health Network across Australia. 

New Social Marketing Campaigns. SHBBVP have been running two state-wide social marketing campaigns targeting young Aboriginal People. Look After Your Blood addresses prevention and testing for BBVs, specifically hepatitis C and HIV, and Stay Safe You Mob focuses on STI prevention and testing. 

Syphilis in the City campaign. In response to the syphilis epidemic in Perth, SHQ has launched a campaign to get the message out there about the seriousness of syphilis. There is new campaign material and an interview with SHQ Medical Director Richelle Douglas. 


Australian Viral Hepatitis Elimination Conference. This conference aims to build momentum towards elimination of viral hepatitis in Australasia. The conference will focus on increasing diagnosis/testing, improving models of care, treatment, paradigms, and reinfection strategies; as well as evaluate the status of the Australasian section in working towards the 2030 WHO elimination goals. August 5-6, Sydney.

Science Lands in Parliament. Abstracts are now open for this unique event, an opportunity to showcase your research to WA parliamentarians. August 13.

2019 Australasian HIV and Sexual Health Conferences. After nearly 10 years, Perth will again host these conferences. The Sexual Health Conference will be held from September 16-18 and the HIV Conference will be held from the September 17-19. Be sure to save the date now! Registrations are open. 

International Evaluation Conference. With the future-focused theme of 'Evaluation un-boxed', the Australian Evaluation Society (AES) encourage stories about opening up evaluation to end users, and drawing on the knowledge of communities and other disciplines to expand evaluation and ensure its ongoing relevance. Sydney, September 16-18.

Scholars International Conference on STD, HIV and AIDS Research, Japan. Exchange your views and knowledge at this accredited medical event which focuses on STI’s, AIDS and Infectious Diseases. November 18-19, Tokyo Japan.

The 10th Asia Pacific Conference Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights. This biennial conference will focus on '2030 SDG vision and 2020 realities'. Submit your abstracts now to be involved in this global conference - abstract applications close October, 31. This conference will be held in Cambodia. May, 26-29, 2020.

Training & Seminars 

Public Forum: What opportunities are there to progress public health issues since 18 May? This seminar presented by Terry Slevin, CEO Public Health Association Australia, and will offer a view from his role while also scoping the opportunities and offering some longer term thinking and wrestling the simple question "What's next for public health". 

Headspace GP Active Learning Module. This online training designed by Headspace seeks to educate health professionals on issues surrounding alcohol and other drug use as well as sexual health and mental health in youth. The module consists of four sequential parts. This module is designed specifically for GPs. 

Grant Applications and Finding Funding seminar. Are you interested in turning your research idea into a well prepared grant application? This seminar, presented by Assoc. Prof Sue Skull, will provide practical tips on writing applications, grant review processes, and responding to reviewer comments. Perth Children's Hospital. Nov, 1. 

Grants & Scholarships 

Australian Health Promotion Association Scholarship. The handbook for the 2019 AHPA scholarships has been published. This booklet showcases and celebrates the projects completed by recipients over this time period. The 2020 handbook will be released soon. 

Organisation Development Grant. The SHBBVP has funds available to assist government services and non-government organisations to apply for an organisation development grant to improve or develop sexual health and/or blood-borne virus related workforce training or services. This grant is only available to organisations in Western Australia.  

Sexual Health Post-Graduate Scholarships. Two scholarships are available to assist post-graduate or honours degree students undertake applied research and evaluation of sexual health and/or blood-borne virus related projects. The research must have a public health or social research focus that will contribute to the prevention of STIs and/or BBVs.


Inclusive Education Western Australia Project Lead. WA Aids Council. WAAC are looking for an enthusiastic and dynamic person to join their team. This role includes delivering training and professional development sessions to school staff across WA, and provides resources, support and guidance to schools, staff, families, carers and students. Applications close Aug, 16.