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E-News Issue 28, 2020
| March 2, 2020 |NEWS & RESOURCES
Call for Collaborators for the WA Community of Practice for Action on HIV and Mobility. The CoPAHM WA is looking for individuals who are interested in working in collaboration to identify and progress research and action on HIV and Mobility. Priority populations include international students, travellers and migrants and refugees. A draft terms of reference (which will be finalised later in the year) is available here. If you are interested in being involved, or know someone who might be, email project coordinator Corie.
RELATE Stage 2. Department of Health. Relate is an education program designed to assist schools and teachers to implement a good practice Respectful Relationships program. Relate covers topics such as gender expectations, communication techniques and image-based abuse. Phase 2, aimed at year 8 and 9 students has recently been released, and meets the Health and Physical Education syllabus.
Aged Care Royal Commission input. The National LGBTI Health Alliance want to hear from Bisexual LGBTI people who access the Australian aged care system, and also the views of their friends, families, carers and allies. Feedback will be used for a submission by the Alliance to the Aged Care Royal Commission. If you want to contribute, complete the 10 minute survey.
It's Time for a C Change. Hepatitis NSW. An informative video has been created by Hepatitis NSW to provide info on what Hepatitis C is, how you can get it, the symptoms, as well as the tests and cures available to live hep C free. This video is a great tool for visual learners.
HIV Monitoring Tool. ASHM. A new evidence based monitoring tool has been release by ASHM. This tool can be used to help improve the safety of antiretroviral treatment (ART) prescribing in general practices. Additionally, this tool is helpful in assisting HIV s100 prescribers with decision making when conducting initial and ongoing patient monitoring following HIV diagnosis.
New Postgraduate Course at La Trobe University. Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society. From July 2020, La Trobe University will be offering a Graduate Certificate Course in Sex, Health and Society. The course has been designed to build students' knowledge on the social, psychological, behavioural and health aspects of sex, sexuality and sexual health, and emphasise the critical and practical skills involved in discovering rigorous solutions to complex problems. You can view the course outline and apply via the La Trobe website.
STI and BBV Quarterly Forum. This forum will provide updates and presentations in the areas of sexual health, sexually transmitted infections and blood-borne viruses, along with professional development and networking opportunities. March 4, East Perth.
Preventive Health Conference. This year, the annual conference is themed 'CAN DO PREVENTION: effective action in a volatile world.' This draws on current developments in preventive health in Australia and beyond, while reflecting on the challenges of the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguous (VUCA) nature of the world we live in. May 13-15. Perth.
Closing the Gap Indigenous Health Conference. This conference is built upon the principal belief that Indigenous health must be approached from a holistic view, which encompasses body, mind and spirit; thus, leading to the fundamental rights of self-determination. 27-29 July, Sydney.
Australasian Viral Hepatitis Conference. In its 12th year, the conference is the leading multidisciplinary viral hepatitis conference in the Australasian region. Abstracts submissions are currently open until early April, and you can also keep up to date and join the conversation by using #VH20. August 16-18, Brisbane.
Health Promotion Short Course: Planning and Evaluation using a Systems Lens. Curtin University. Participants in this four-day short course will build skills in effective planning and evaluation in public health by using a systems lens approach. This course qualifies for the professional development needed to continue registration as a Health Promotion Practitioner. March 2-6, Bentley.
Boundary Setting and Protective Behaviours. SECCA. This workshop will focus on the concept of a social circle, and how it can be used as an educational strategy to give people with disabilities an understanding of personal boundaries. March 5. West Perth.
Research Skills Seminar: Introduction to Good Clinical Practice. Government of Western Australia Child and Adolescent Health Service. This seminar is designed as a refresher to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Training. You can attended this training in person at Perth Children's Hospital, Nedlands, or online. March 6.
Protective Behaviours Workshop. SECCA. Targeted at school-based educators, this workshop will teach participants how to use the SECCA App to deliver Protective Behaviour lessons. Each school can register 4 staff members per workshop. March 13, West Perth.
Hepatitis B Case Discussion Webinar. ASHM. A free webinar targeted at Hepatitis B s100 Prescribers, participants will discuss newly developed cases covering topics requested by GP prescribers, including complex co-morbidities. Attendees are also encouraged to submit their own cases for discussion. March 13. Online.
Health Promotion Short Course: Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Health Promotion Interventions. Curtin University. Delivered online over 12 weeks, this course will help build the skills needed to plan, implement and evaluate a health promotion program. The course is suitable for those already working in the health sector, those wanting to move into the health promotion area and for those wanting to incorporate health promotion principles into their current role. March 15 - June 14. Online.
SpeakEasy in Practice. UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health. The Centre has developed a series of webinars designed to help you build your research skills. Each webinar will focus on a specific research article from a peer-reviewed journal. Participants will be given a guidance sheet with key questions and prompts to get you thinking. The research, how and why it was done, and what the findings show will be discussed, as well as the big “so what?” questions. Online. Series start March 17.
Hepatitis C in Primary Care. ASHM. This workshop will provide an update on hepatitis C, and will focus on early diagnosis, management and treatment of hepatitis C in the context of Direct Acting Antiviral (DAA) treatments which offer a cure to most people. March 24. Perth.
Mooditj Leader Training. Sexual Health Quarters. This 4-day workshop is designed for Aboriginal community members who work with young people to lead Mooditj, a resilience, relationships, and sexual health education program for young Aboriginal aged 10-14 years. March 24 - 27, Northbridge.
STARS. Sexual Health Quarters. STARS is a new two-day course to help build knowledge, skills and confidence to Start Talking About Relationships and Sexual health with young Aboriginal people. The STARS is fun and interactive and suitable for anyone who works with Aboriginal young people. April 29 - 30, Northbridge.
INHSU2020 Scholarship. International Network on Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU). A number of scholarships are available for the 9th International Conference on Hepatitis Care in Substance Users held in Glasgow, Scotland in October. Apply for a practitioner, policy or program manager scholarship to attend. Deadline March 15.
ASHM 2020 Scholarships. ASHM. A number of scholarships are available to assist ASHM members, affiliates and others in the HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health healthcare sector to attend national and international conferences to support their continuing professional development. Apply via the ASHM website.
Sexual Health and Blood-Borne Virus Program Workforce Education and Training Bursary. Department of Health. Bursaries and scholarships are available to assist employees within government and non-government organisations to attend sexual health or blood-borne virus related workforce education and training. Only people working within Western Australia are eligible. Download the application pack or visit the website for more info.
Senior Practitioner / Project Officer. Relationships Australia South Australia. This role focuses on addressing STIs, HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis and other related issues amongst the culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities in SA. Apply via the Relationships SA website.