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Issue 4 E-news 2017

Welcome to SiREN’s E-News. This is your go-to source for the latest sexual health and blood-borne virus related news, training, conferences, events, funding opportunities, jobs, and more. If you have something you would like to share via our E-News let us know. Don’t forget SiREN is here to assist you with your evaluation and research activities. We can help you write funding applications, draft conference abstracts, plan and evaluate your program, and develop evaluation strategies such as writing surveys or running focus groups. Support is free but there are a few criteria we require you to meet. Start a conversation with the SiREN team by emailing or phoning us on 9266 7819.


Young, deadly, syphilis free. A new multi-strategy STI awareness-raising campaign, developed in response to the ongoing syphilis outbreak affecting regional and remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. To find out more see their website, YouTube channel, Facebook, or Instagram.  

Meekatharra STI and relationships video. The Indigenous Hip Hop Project has teamed up with the Midwest Public Health Unit and the Meekatharra Shire to produce a music video about sexual health. Watch the video on YouTube.  

New WA AIDS Council CEO. The WA AIDS Council is delighted to announce the appointment of David Kernohan as its new Chief Executive Officer. Mr Kernohan has held senior executive roles in the not-for-profit sector in Western Australia for over 20 years, most recently as CEO of the Mental Health Law Centre (WA).  

Young people wanted to participate in a study. A study is investigating consumption of sexually explicit internet material among young Australians. You are eligible to participate if you are aged 18 to 25; residing in Australia; and have been sexually active. Complete the survey here.

GP's experiences seeing patients from sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia. SiREN is involved in a project exploring barriers to HIV testing among people from these two regions and are seeking the support of GPs in WA, NSW, SA and Victoria. For more information visit SiREN.

HIV and migration resource. The African and Black Diaspora Global Network has launched a new online resource that profiles the impact of HIV and migration on eight countries including Australia. Check it out here.


2017 Australian HIV & AIDS Conference,6-8 November, joint with the 2017 Australasian Sexual Health Conference, 7-9 November, Canberra. These conferences will present new and innovative research findings across the Australasian HIV and sexual health sectors. Click here to find out more.  

9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights Conference,27-30 November, Hanoi. The conference aims to gather practitioners, researchers and experts to share information about sexual and reproductive health and rights. For more information, visit the APCRSHR here.


SHAPE Outreach Officer, WA AIDS Council. The primary aim of this position is to assist people living with HIV to enhance their health and well-being by using an intensive, supportive and recovery based model of service delivery. Applications close 21st August 9am. Click here for more information.


Health Promotion Online Course. 14 August. This 12-week online course will provide you with the skills needed to plan, implement and evaluate a health promotion program. VisitCurtin Universityto find out more.  

Nuts & Bolts Sexual Health Course. 15-17 August, Northbridge. Develops knowledge, attitudes, and skills required to provide information and support for young people around respectful relationships and sexual health. Visit SHQ for more details.  

Data Collection and Management. 25 August, Shenton Park. Learn how to collect and manage high-quality data to ensure a successful project outcome. For more information see the Research Skills Seminar Series webpage.  

How to show your impact using surveys. 31 August, West Perth. This half-day workshop, hosted by Know Injury will give you the skills you need to design and administer a survey. For more information click here.  

Growing and Developing Healthy Relationships. 1 September, Bentley. Curtin University's Sexuality and Relationships Education Teacher Development Project is hosting a full day event to showcase recent developments in school-based sexuality and relationships education. To find out more click here.

STI and BBV Quarterly Forum. 6 September, Shenton Park. A forum facilitated by the Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Program that provides STI and BBV updates, professional development and networking opportunities. See the agenda here.  

Mooditj Leader Training. 19-22 September, Northbridge. A 4-day hands on course which builds your knowledge, skills, and confidence to run the Mooditj program. Visit SECCA for more details.


Gilead Australia Fellowship and Grant. This grant aims to support the development, exploration and implementation of best practice in enhancing patient care in HIV, viral hepatitis and haematological oncology. Applications close 1 September. To find out more, click here.  

Department of Local Government and Communities.Grants of up to $10,000 are available on an ongoing basis for organisations to implement projects addressing the unique issues faced by women. To find out more, click here.  

Healthway Grants.Healthway has two types of grants available on an ongoing basis. The Health Promotion Project Grants and Health Promotion Research Grants. To find out more click here.  

Youth Engagement Grants Program. Grants up to $10,000 for organisations to implement projects that creatively engage young people and help achieve positive outcomes. Applications close 31 December. Click here for more.  

Bupa Health Foundation Grants Program. Grants available for projects that: empower people to either prevent or better manage health conditions; or positively impact on health policy and practice to improve the health and care of Australians. An opening date is yet to be announced. Visit BUPA for more.