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E-News, Issue 49
| February 3, 2023 |
The Strategic Advisory Group for Evidence Development and Translation in Western Australia (SAGE-WA) was formed in November 2022 as an evaluation of the work of the SiREN Project Steering Group (2012-2022). SAGE-WA exists to ensure that research and evaluation is meeting the needs of the Western Australian sexual health and blood-borne virus (SHBBV) sector. SAGE-WA is seeking expressions of interest to join the group from:
- community organisations delivering services for the prevention, control and/or management of HIV, viral hepatitis and/or other STIs in WA
- organisations which represent or have experience working with priority populations identified in current WA Sexual and Health and Blood-borne Virus Strategies
- people with lived experiences of accessing STI and BBV services in WA
- SHBBV researchers, including both qualitative and quantitative researchers and representatives from national and interstate institutions
- SHBBV clinicians
National Condom Day. February 14 is National Condom Day, a day to promote condom use as as an important part of safer sex. Sexual Health Quarters has announced the theme 'Yours, Mine and Ours' for 2023, reflecting the notion that safer sex is everyone's responsibility and can benefit everyone.
Sexuality, Community Experience and Network Engagement (SCENE) study survey. Kirby Institute, University of New South Wales (UNSW). The SCENE study aims to investigate the role of social connection among GBMSM and their experiences of the gay community and identify potential facilitators and barriers to HIV prevention among GBMSM who are not well connected to the gay community. The study is currently recruiting participants to complete an online survey. Click here for more information.
Updated STI management guidelines for use in primary care. Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM). The Australian STI Management Guidelines for use in Primary Care are an online resource for primary health care providers. A recent major review of the Guidelines has resulted in updated recommendations. Access the revisions here.
Vital Voices: Personal Stories of Treatment for Hepatitis C. is Australia's first dedicated website presenting carefully researched personal stories of hepatitis C, treatment and life after cure. The website aims to provide support for people living with hepatitis C and inform the public about hepatitis C and the available treatments.
Preventative sexual and reproductive healthcare for women from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds. Monash University. Researchers are seeking health care professionals to share their experiences providing preventative sexual and reproductive healthcare for women from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds. Findings from the survey will be used to inform the service provision and education needs of health care providers working in this sector. Access the survey here.
Blood borne viral and sexually transmissible infections in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples: Annual surveillance report 2021. Kirby Institute, UNSW. This report provides information on the occurrence of blood borne viruses (BBVs) and sexually transmissible infections (STIs) among the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander population in Australia. This report is produced for use by a wide range of health service providers and consumers, and particularly Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health services and communities. Read the full report here.
7th National survey of secondary students and sexual health (SSASH) 2021. La Trobe University. The SSASH is a national study exploring the sexual health and well-being of school-aged young people in Australia. This report presents findings from the survey, including young people's experiences of sex, relationships, sexual health and school-based relationship and sexuality education. Access the survey here.
Needle Syringe Program National Minimum Data Collection 2022 National Data Report. Kirby Institute, UNSW. This is the seventh annual national data report which presents national and state/territory needle syringe program data over the five-year period 2017/18 - 2021/22. Read the full report here.
1st Australasian Conference on Point of Care Testing for Infectious Diseases. ASHM and RAPID Point of Care Research Consortium for Infectious Disease in the Asia Pacific. This conference will collaborate with leading scientists, clinicians, and other stakeholders to develop a program on the ever-evolving landscape of point-of-care testing (POCT) for infectious diseases and provide an opportunity to discuss challenges and solutions to scaling up POCT in this setting. Abstract submissions close October 30. Sydney. March 14-15.
WA Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Sector Conference 2023. Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia. This conference provides an important platform for delegates to collaborate on challenges, share learnings, celebrate successes, showcase new technologies, products, service and ideas to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people in Western Australia. The theme of the 2023 conference is 'Our Future, Our Way - We are the Leaders of our Communities'. Fremantle. March 29-30.
Harm Reduction International Conference 2023. ASHM and Harm Reduction International. This biennial conference aims to provide a dynamic forum to share the latest research and discussions on best practices in addressing drug use, harm reduction and human rights. The conference theme is 'Strength in Solidarity', highlighting the importance of strength - as people, a community, and a global movement - in sticking together. Melbourne. April 16-19.
WA Council of Social Services (WACOSS) Conference 2023. WACOSS. The theme of the 2023 WACOSS conference is 'Resilient, Strong, Brave' highlighting the collective power of community. Speaker applications are now closed. Perth. May 1-3.
National Alcohol and other Drugs (NADA) Conference 2023. NADA. The theme of the 2023 NADA conference is 'Creating Safe Spaces', showcasing interventions designed to improve outcomes for clients, this event will inform delegates of new ideas, engage with the evidence base and provide networking opportunities. Abstract submissions now closed. Sydney. May 11-12.
WANADA Aboriginal Alcohol and other Drug Worker Forum 2023. Western Australian Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies (WANADA). This forum is an opportunity to come together to share updates and ideas, to discuss common issues, and to plan action that will have a positive impact in WA communities. Abstract submissions close February 24. Perth. May 18-19.
12th IAS Conference on HIV Science. International AIDS Society. This biennial conference presents the critical advances in basic, clinical and operational HIV research that move science into policy and practice. Abstract submissions close January 31. Brisbane. July 23-26.
Australasian Sexual and Reproductive Health Conference 2023. ASHM. This conference aims to strengthen the linkages between sexual and reproductive health services and rights, offering opportunities for professional development and networking across research, clinical management, prevention, policy and rights. Abstract submissions close May 7. Sydney. September 18-20.
SiREN Short Courses. SiREN has launched free online training modules to support those working in the WA SHBBV sector. Available on-demand, these modules will build your capabilities in health promotion planning and evaluation. These modules will suit you if you are new to public health and to applying a health promotion lens to sexual health and blood-borne viruses, or if you are interested in refreshing your skills and knowledge in this area. The training is open to those working in WA only. Click here to enrol.
Introduction to Evaluation: Core Concepts and Methods. Australian Evaluation Society. This workshop is for those new to evaluation, aiming to outline the key concepts, terms and approaches for conducting or commissioning evaluation projects, the role of evaluation and the various evaluation approaches. February 7 & 10. Online.
Introduction to Evaluation: Applied Techniques. Australian Evaluation Society. This workshop aims to improve participants' confidence in selecting approaches and conducting evaluation work through application of common evaluation approaches including: conducting interviews, observation, case studies, and survey design. February 14 & 17. Online.
WA HIV S100 Prescriber Course. Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM). This course is designed to support clinicians in managing and treating HIV, providing them with the opportunity to establish relationships with local specialist services for ongoing mentoring and referral. February 11. Perth.
Certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health (Nursing). Sexual Health Quarters (SHQ). This course is for nurses and midwives wishing to develop detailed knowledge and specialist clinical skills in sexual and reproductive health. February 14-17. Northbridge.
Sexuality and Disability. SECCA. This workshop explores the relationship and sexuality rights and needs of people with disabilities. The workshop aims to develop awareness of your own values and attitudes in relation to sexuality, and consider how these may be barriers to the rights of the people we support. February 23. West Perth.
Practical Updates in HCV Management and Treatment. ASHM. This webinar is for primary care providers and other health care practitioners interested in furthering their knowledge on the latest updates in hepatitis C management and treatment. February 28. Online.
Research Fundamentals. Child and Adolescent Health Service, Research Education Program. This seminar provides a practical introduction to research and examines why we do research, and the steps in the research process. March 3. Nedlands & Online.
Nuts and Bolts of Sexual Health. SHQ. This course is designed for youth workers and those working in the youth sector. The course develops core knowledge, attitudes and skills required to provide information and support for young people around respectful relationships and sexual health issues. March 28-30. Northbridge.
Health Promotion 12 Weeks Online Course: Planning, implementing and evaluating health promotion interventions. Curtin University. This flexible 12 week course will provide an understanding of the role and importance of health promotion and the broader concept of health within a community and national setting. The course aims to provide skills needed to plan, implement and evaluate a health promotion program. Course registration closes February 18. March 20 - June 26. Online.
WAAC Hump Day Health. WAAC. These sessions provide the workforce with valuable updates on HIV and current treatments, health promotion messaging and how to address stigma and discrimination in sexual health provision. To book in, email Erika Shaw ( Sessions occur on the second Wednesday of every month.
Introduction to Working with Trans and Gender Diverse People. Shine SA. This online course has been developed to support people in their understanding of gender diversity. It will cover key concepts and terms related to gender diversity and provide an introduction to supporting trans and gender diverse people. Access anytime. Online.
Introduction to Syphilis for Midwives: Western Australia. ASHM. This course is for Western Australian midwives to develop their skills to confidently discuss sexual health with patients, conduct guideline-based syphilis screening and testing, identify health pathways of pregnancy in syphilis, and initiate contact tracing. The training can be accessed anytime on the ASHM Online Learning System by searching 'Syphilis for Midwives' in the course catalogue. An ASHM login is required.
STIs In WA Primary Care - Online Module. SHQ. This course provides primary health care professionals with comprehensive education about discussing STIs with patients, and testing for and managing STIs. It includes public health responsibilities and legal issues and recommends useful online resources for ongoing use. Access anytime. Online.
Syphilis Outbreak Training. ASHM. Professional development training is available for health practitioners affected by the ongoing outbreak of infectious syphilis among young Aboriginal people in regions of Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia. An ASHM login is required.
Community Grants Program. The Office of Multicultural Interests is offering a variety of community grants designed to provide funding to empower culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Western Australia to design, deliver and partner on projects that address their needs. Current funding opportunities include, festivals (up to $10,000), community capacity building (up to $5,000), and strategic projects (up to $50,000 or up to $100,000). Application deadlines vary. For more information, click here.
WA Youth Engagement Grants Program. The WA Department of Communities is offering grants up to $5,000 for short term initiatives and grants up to $10,000 for long term initiatives for local government and community service organisations to implement projects that engage young people to help achieve positive outcomes for young people in the community. Applications close February 8. For more information, click here.
WA Department of Health School RSE grants 2022-2023. The Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Program, WA Department of Health, is offering small grants of up to $1,200 to Western Australian schools to support their Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) programs. The aim of these grants is to provide resources that will assist in the provision of effective, comprehensive RSE. For information on the types of projects can be funded, click here. For application information, click here.