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GP’s experiences seeing patients from sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia

Researchers at Curtin University are currently conducting research to explore the barriers to HIV testing among people from sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia and are also seeking the support of General Practitioners’ to take part in the research. The research is being carried out in Western Australia, South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria. This work is part of a larger project on understanding HIV testing among people from these two regions. 

If you are a GP who sees patients from either sub-Saharan Africa or South East Asia you are eligible to take part in a phone interview, involving 5 questions on your experiences. You do not need to specialise in caring for patients with HIV.  

Before beginning, we will just need you to provide your consent, and complete a short survey about yourself and your work here;  Alternatively, we can do both of things over the phone if that better suits you.

If you are interested in taking part, please email  


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