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Dr Valerie Delpech, Head of National HIV Surveillance, Public Health England, UK
HIV among migrants in the UK

Dr Chris Lemoh, Physician (General Medicine, Infectious Diseases and Refugee Health Service), Monash Health, VIC
HIV in the African diaspora – Epidemiology of HIV amongst African immigrants living in the industrialised world

Dr Graham Brown, Senior Research Fellow, Australian Research Centre for Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, VIC
HIV and Mobility. Discussion paper – consultation draft

Professor Peter Aggleton, Professor of Education and Health, Centre for Social Research in Health, University of New South Wales, NSW
‘Mobile men with money’: these are only words so why does it matter? 

Gemma Crawford, Research Fellow, CERIPH, Curtin University, WA
Australian travellers, relationships and risk: exploring the nexus

Leah Williams, Clinical Nurse and Mr Morgan Bonnett, Social Worker, Department of Clinical Immunology, Royal Perth Hospital, WA
HIV and mobile populations: the clinical experience

Associate Professor Jaya Earnest, Curtin University, WA
International case studies on HIV: Examples from Uganda, India, Timor Leste and West Papua

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