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Five Key Areas for Action


The Road Map presents five key areas for action for HIV and mobility issues in Australia, linked to the priorities outlined in the Seventh National HIV Strategy (2014-2017). The Road Map proposes specific strategies to address each action area including primary responsibilities and timeframes


International Leadership and global health governance

Overall goals:

  • Ensure Australia’s population health response to HIV and mobile populations is contemporary and appropriate through participating in and contributing to international dialogue on cross border HIV responses.
  • The Commonwealth Government provides policy leadership to minimise rates of HIV as a result of mobility in the Pacific region and to ensure that Australian policies are consistent with this outcome.
  • The Commonwealth Government ensures that HIV and other health impacts are taken into consideration in non-health related international policy deliberations.


Commonwealth and state leadership

Overall goals:

  • The Australian HIV response enables an effective response to migrants and mobile populations that experience increased vulnerability to HIV acquisition or transmission, within a human rights framework.
  • The Commonwealth Government and state governments show strong leadership in relation to building overall community support and consensus to prioritisation of health services related to mobile populations and migrants.
  • The Commonwealth Government and state governments provide appropriate funding levels and resources.
  • There are coherent legal and policy responses to mobile populations and migration.


Community mobilisation

Overall goals:

  • Improve mobile population and migrant community awareness, health literacy, knowledge, attitudes and risk reduction behaviours around HIV in the context of living in Australia.
  • Develop partnerships between migrant groups, other community groups and the HIV sector to advocate for change and improvements in health and other service delivery.
  • Encourage leadership and peer advocacy within migrant and mobile populations and increase participation in the HIV response.
  • Encourage community consultation and empowerment through creative, flexible and ongoing engagement.
  • Develop social capital and resilience in migrant communities and mobile populations.


Development of services for mobile or migrant populations

Overall goals:

  • Maximise the physical, psychological, sexual and social health and well-being of migrants and other mobile people living with HIV through the provision of high quality, tailored, clinical services.
  • Increase the uptake of sexual health testing, treatment, sexual health education and referral amongst migrants and mobile populations with an emphasis on early detection and treatment.
  • Increase the health literacy of migrants and mobile populations.
  • Improve the capacity for migrants and other mobile populations in maintaining risk reduction strategies.
  • Decrease discriminative attitudes to migrants and other mobile people with HIV.
  • Understand cultural, structural impacts of services on mobile populations and migrants.


Research, surveillance and evaluation

Overall goals:
Provide high quality information to inform the strategic and policy response to mobile populations and migrants including:

  • Standardised surveillance for sub populations
  • Enhanced surveillance of where infections occur
  • Risk analysis for different groups
  • Cost benefit analysis of interventions and universal access to treatment
  • Evaluation of interventions for migrants and mobile populations
  • Evaluation of HIV screening for asylum seekers policy
  • Social research on migrant healthcare seeking behaviours, HIV knowledge and attitudes, and experiences of migrants living with HIV
  • Phylogenetic analysis of HIV transmission
  • Analysis of barriers to uptake, maintenance and effectiveness of treatment
  • Role and feasibility of treatment as prevention in migrant populations
  • Migration and HIV prevalence studies
  • Analysis of discrimination and stigma of migrants
  • Investigation of impacts of legislation on migrant health and access to HIV treatment