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Law and Sex Worker Health (LASH) Study


What is this project about?

This project aims to investigate the impact of the law on WA sex workers; their health and safety; and the intersections between sex workers, service providers and police. The project will help assess the effectiveness of existing services, look at the impact of existing legislation relating to the sex industry and to identify challenges sex workers might experience in accessing services.


Why is this research being done?

It is hoped that the information collected through this study will contribute to decisions about the provision of health services to sex workers and to inform any future legislation relating to sex work.


How can I get involved?

If you are 18 years old or above and you provide sexual services in Western Australia you are eligible to participate in this study. All information collected in this study will be non-identifiable (anonymous). You are able to participate in any of the following capacities:

  1. Register your interest if you would like to participate in an in-depth interview
    This position is now closed.
  2. Register your interest to act as a KEY ADVISOR
    This position is now closed.
  3. Register your interest as a PEER RESEARCHER
    This position is now closed.
  4. Complete the online survey
    The survey is now closed.


Who can I contact for more information?

Project coordinator:
Kahlia McCausland
(08) 9266 7382

Like or contact us on Facebook to be kept up to date on the projects progress @LASH2.0study or search Law & Sex worker Health – LASH Study.

Should you wish to discuss the study with someone not directly involved, in particular, any matters concerning the conduct of the study or your rights as a participant, or you wish to make a confidential complaint, you may contact the Ethics Officer on (08) 9266 9223 or the Research Integrity Manager on (08) 9266 7093 or email

Curtin University’s Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) has approved this study (HRE2016-0078).


Research Team
  • Associate Professor Linda Selvey (School of Public Health, Curtin University)
  • Dr Roanna Lobo (School of Public Health, Curtin University)
  • Dr Jonathan Hallett (School of Public Health, Curtin University)
  • Ms Kahlia McCausland (School of Public Health, Curtin University)
  • Professor Basil Donovan (Kirby Institute, University of New South Wales)
  • Ms Julie Bates (Principal of Urban Realists)


Advisory Committee
  • Lisa Bastian, Kathryn Kerry (Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Program, WA Department of Health)
  • Rebecca Davies, Rebecca Leighton (People for Sex Worker Rights in WA)
  • Josie Rayson (Magenta)
  • Angela Corry (WA Substance Users’ Association)
  • Jenny McClosky, Michelle Yong (Royal Perth Hospital)
  • Andrew Burry (WA AIDS Council)
  • Justin Manuel (M Clinic)
  • Donna Keeley (South Terrace Clinic)


Funded by

Sexual Health Blood-Borne Virus Program, WA Department of Health.

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