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2014 SiREN Symposium


2014 SiREN Symposium “Building the Foundations for Innovation” 7 April 2014. The symposium saw more than 100 delegates from across three states and territories descend on Technology Park Bentley to discuss and debate innovation in research and evaluation of sexual health and blood borne viruses. There was a great regional line up with participants from Broome, Kalgoorlie, Albany, Bunbury, the Wheatbelt, Pilbara, Denmark, remote Aboriginal communities, and colleagues from the Northern Territory, Victoria and New South Wales, as well as well-respected presenters including a grounded Welcome to Country from Sean Nannup, welcome by Professor Tarun Weeramanthri (WA Chief Health Officer), a keynote from Professor Lyn Beazley (former Chief Scientist of WA), session from comedian Sami Shah, keynote from Associate Professor Rebecca Guy (The Kirby Institute) and creative workshop from Hugh Kearns from I Think Well.

Throughout the day there were numerous concurrent sessions which explored issues from HIV and mobility to point of care testing and the use of social media for clinical follow up. The following day SiREN hosted two well attended workshops. The first was on Sexual Health, Social Media and Mobile Technology presented by Becky White and James White from Reach Health Promotion Innovations. The second was the ever popular Turbo Charge your Writing workshop by Hugh Kearns. On Wednesday Curtin’s Linda Portsmouth ran the well subscribed Developing Effective Health Communication Resources workshop. Overall all of the events were well received and SiREN would like to extend its thanks to everyone that attended, with a special note of thanks to those who chaired, our presenters, speakers, volunteers and the symposium organising committee. The events could not have been as successful without you all.

Please click here to view to 2014 SiREN Symposium Program.

Please click here to view the 2014 SiREN Symposium Evaluation Report.