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2016 SiREN Symposium
The 2016 SiREN Symposium took place on June 9th and 10th of this year and brought together practitioners, policy makers and researchers with an interest in evidence-based practice in preventing and reducing the impacts of sexually transmissible infections and blood-borne viruses.
Attended by over 100 delegates from around Australia, the talks featured many WA sexual health and BBV projects as well as national and interstate based projects.
2016 Symposium delegates heard from a range of inspiring speakers including:
- Associate Professor Linda Selvey (Chair of the Western Australian Committee on Blood-borne Viruses and Sexually Transmissible Infectious committee, WA)
- Dr Paul Armstrong (WA Department of Health, WA)
- Associate Professor Martin Holt (University of New South Wales, NSW)
- Professor Margaret Hellard (Burnet Institute, VIC)
- Professor Peter Aggleton (University of New South Wales, NSW)
- Associate Professor James Ward (South Australia Health and Medical Research Institute, SA)
- Associate Professor Jonine Jancey (Collaboration for Evidence, Research and Impact in Public Health, Curtin University, WA)
Please click here to view the 2016 SiREN Symposium Program.
Please click here to view the 2016 SiREN Symposium Evaluation Report.
Presentation videos
- 2016 SiREN Symposium - Associate Professor Jonine Jancey, Curtin University
- Symposium Opening - Associate Professor Linda Selvey, Curtin University
- Keynote Address - Associate Professor Martin Holt, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Australia
- Keynote Address - Professor Margaret Hellard, Burnet Institute and The Alfred Hospital
- WA epidemiology update - Bryon Minas, Communicable Disease Control Directorate, WA Health
- HIV and Mobility Report Card update - Dr Roanna Lobo & Gemma Crawford, Curtin University
- Role of peer insights in harm reduction programs and policies for people who use drugs - Dr Graham Brown, La Trobe University
- Testing, Testing ABC - Sarah Grant, WA Substance Users Association
- Innovation in practice 'beyond positive: a client centered journey - Ben Bradstreet & Mark Reid, WA AIDS Council
Presentation slides
Thursday Presentations
- Hepatitis C Elimination. Strategies to enhance hepatitis C care and treatment in people who inject drugs,
Prof Margaret Hellard - The challenges and opportunities of new technologies: examples from HIV social and behavioural research,
A/Prof Martin Holt - STI, BBV & HIV Epidemiology Update 2015, Byron Minas
- Monitoring and ethnographic approaches, Prof Peter Aggleton
- Getting the rubber to hit the road: knowledge translation and the BBV-STI sector, Dr Paul Armstrong
- HIV and Mobility Report Card update, Dr Roanna Lobo and Gemma Crawford
- South Australian Community of Practice for Action on HIV and Mobility, Lea Narciso and Enaam Oudih
- HIV and culturally and linguistically diverse communities: strengthening the health promotion partnership, Michael Frommer
- Developing a survey on HIV with people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in WA, Corie Gray
- Migrant sexual health help-seeking and experiences of stigmatisation and discrimination in WA, Josephine Agu
- HIV in people born overseas, Australia, 2005-2014; a changing epidemiology, Dr Praveena Gunaratnam
- Kimberley BBV educational roadshow, Matthew Armstrong
- Needle and syringe programs in WA prisons: enablers and barriers, Samuel Gibbings
- Kimberley capers: planning for success, Frank Farmer
- Role of peer insights in harm reduction programs and policies for people who use drugs, Dr Graham Brown
- Opportunistic health promotion in a needle and syringe program setting, Nadia Cleber
- Connecting the dots: facilitating a joined-up approach to needle and syringe programs in WA, Faye Thompson
- Innovation in practice ‘beyond positive: a client centered journey’, Ben Bradstreet & Mark Reid
- Supporting the sector to provide effective school-based sexuality and relationships education: an example of collaboration, Maryrose Baker & Associate Professor Sharyn Burns
- Yarning quiet ways, Daniel Vujcich
- Red dirt youth: a photovoice project, Katy Crawford
Friday Presentations
- Improving sexual health outcomes for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the journey to adulthood, James Ward
- Injecting drug use among Aboriginal communities – a critical and emerging issue, James Ward
- The M Clinic sub-system, Andrew Burry
- Sexual health outcomes and wellbeing of sex workers in Western Australia – the LASH 2.0 study, A/Prof Linda Selvey
- Learnings from the evaluation of a sex worker support project, 2010-2015, Josie Rayson
- Trends in 2010-2016 online chlamydia testing data: using clinical and online information for program evaluation, Meagan Roberts
- Right people, right place, right time: innovative dissemination of sexual health information, Janiece Pope
- Skills, knowledge and understanding of sexual consent amongst young Aboriginal people and its impact on condom negotiation, Bobby Maher
- Linking patients newly diagnosed with HIV into care: evaluation of the ‘Time of Diagnosis Protocol’, Siân Churcher
- Experienced and perceived barriers and facilitators to partner therapy for chlamydia, Helen Wood
- Factors associated with variation in sexual health care delivery at primary health care level in Australia, Dr Barbara Nattabi
- Migrant sexual health help-seeking behaviour in high income countries: a systematic review, Donna Rade
- A representative study of adult knowledge of and comfort with discussing STIs, Dr Christopher Fisher
- Growing & Developing Healthy Relationships: an impact evaluation, Maryrose Baker
- YOUR Health – a collaborative holistic health program, Carley Robbins
- Adolescent attitudes towards contraception and risky sexual behaviour findings from an Australian study, Dr Jacqueline Hendriks
- Developing a framework for community-based sexual health interventions for youth in a rural setting, Carl Heslop