2018 – 2022.


The MiBSS project has a website at https://www.mibss.org/. The website contains a link to the survey and more detailed information about the study.



Update August 2019.

Update February 2020.



Ethics approval

Ethics approval has been obtained from the Curtin Human Research Ethics Committee.

Chief Investigators

Assoc Prof Alison Reid (Curtin University), Dr Roanna Lobo (Curtin University), Prof Rebecca Guy (Kirby Institute, UNSW), Dr Graham Brown (Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University), Assoc Prof Limin Mao (Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW), Prof Baden Offord (Curtin University), Dr Lisa Hartley (Curtin University), Dr Helen Calabretto (SHINE SA), A/Professor Amy Mullens (University of Southern Queensland, and Dr Jo Durham (Queensland University of Technology). 

Brief overview










This research is supported by funding from the Australian Research Council Linkage Program, Curtin University, the Western Australian Department of Health, the South Australian Department of Health, the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, SHINE SA, the ASHM Sexual Health Research Fund and in-kind contributions from partner organisations. 

Project partners

Curtin University, Department of Health WA, WA AIDS Council, Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service, National Association of People with HIV Australia, Kirby Institute, Centre for Social Research in Health, AIDS Action Council of the ACT, Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health, Department of Health and Human Services, Australian Research Centre in Sex Health and Society, Ethnic Communities Council of WA, Multicultural Services Centre of WA, Office of Multicultural Interests, Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland, Relationships Australia SA, Government of SA, SHINE SA, University of Southern Queensland, and Queensland University of Technology. 


SiREN and Curtin University coordinated the development of the grant and Dr Roanna Lobo is a Chief Investigator.


This project will lay the groundwork for a repeated, national STI and BBV survey in CALD communities.  A repeated national survey would:

  1. enable health promotion activities, models of care, policies, workforce development, and research agendas to be better tailored to areas of identified need;
  2. identify changes in knowledge, attitudes and practices over time to facilitate more responsive program planning; and
  3. provide data to assist in the evaluation of population-level health interventions.

The project is also building community research capacity through the training and employment of peer researchers. 



Vujcich, D, Reid, A., Brown, G., Mao, L., Guy, R., Hartley, L., Mullens, A., Durham, J., Lobo, R., & Roberts, M. (2022) Findings from the first national Migrant Blood-borne Virus and Sexual Health Survey (presentation). Joint Australasian HIV&AIDS + Sexual Health Conferences 2022.

Vujcich D, Wangda S, Lobo R, Maycock B, Thanthirige C, Roberts M and Reid A. Best practices in the administration of sexual health and blood-borne virus surveys in migrant populations: lessons from the literature. Poster presented at 2019 Australasian Sexual Health Conference; 2019 Sep 16-18; Perth WA. http://hivaidsconference2019.com.au/program-2/


Vujcich, D., Reid, A., Brown, G., Durham, J., Guy, R., Hartley, L., Mao, L., Mullens, A. B., Roberts, M. & Lobo, R.  HIV-Related Knowledge and Practices among Asian and African Migrant Living in Australia: Results from a cross-sectional survey and qualitative study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(5), 4347. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20054347 

Vujcich, D., Brown, G., Durham, J., Gu, Z., Hartley, L., Lobo, R., Mao, L., Moro, P., Pillay, V., Mullens, A. B., Oudith, E., Roberts, M.Wilshin, C. & Reid, A. (2022). Strategies for recruiting migrants to participate in a sexual health survey: Methods, results, and lessons. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), 12213. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191912213 

Vujcich, D., Roberts, M., Gu, Z., Kao, S-C., Lobo, R., et al. (2021). Translating best practice into real practice: Methods, results and lessons from a project to translate an English sexual health survey into four Asian languages. PLOS ONE, 16(12): e0261074. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0261074

Vujcich, D., Roberts, M., Brown, G., Durham, J., Gu, Z, et al. (2021) Are sexual health survey items understood as intended by African and Asian migrants to Australia? Methods, results, and recommendations for qualitative pretesting. BMJ Open, 11: e049010. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049010

Vujcich, D., Wangda, S., Roberts, M., Lobo, R., Maycock, B., Kulappu T. C., & Reid, A. (2020). Modes of administering sexual health and blood-borne virus surveys in migrant populations: A scoping review. PLOS ONE, 15(8), e0236821. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0236821


Vujcich, D., Reid A., Hosny, A., Pillay V., Mao, L., Guy, R., Brown, G., Hartley, L., Roberts, M., Wilshin, C., & Lobo, R. (2021). Migrant Blood - borne Virus and Sexual Health Survey 2020 - 2021: Western Australian results. Curtin University. https://566a06e5-b5f7-4968-842a-8779947f9151.filesusr.com/ugd/ed7226_54aed8bf190648009b906b57e1f2cf88.pdf

Vujcich, D., Reid, A., Oudih, E., Mao, L., Guy, R., Brown G., Hartley, L., Roberts M., Wilshin, C., & Lobo, R. (2021). Migrant Blood-borne Virus and Sexual Health Survey 2020 - 2021: South Australian results. Curtin University. https://566a06e5-b5f7-4968-842a-8779947f9151.filesusr.com/ugd/ed7226_7bff162656d843899d13aa70571f0205.pdf

Vujcich, D., Reid, A., Durham, J., Mullens, A.B., Gu, Z., Debattista, J., Parma, G., Mao, L., Guy, R., Brown G., Hartley, L., Roberts M., & Lobo, R. Migrant Blood-borne Virus and Sexual Health Survey 2020 - 2021: Queensland results. Curtin University. https://566a06e5-b5f7-4968-842a-8779947f9151.filesusr.com/ugd/ed7226_49859d92d79c46fbb6d2ff732daf3907.pdf


Email Daniel Vujcich, Project Coordinator at daniel.vujcich@curtin.edu.au or telephone 08 9266 3668.