Welcome and upcoming highlights. Welcome to the first edition of the SiREN e-news for 2021. We are delighted to announce that the SiREN project has been awarded a further 5 years’ funding by the WA Department of Health. Click here for highlights of SiREN’s outputs in 2016-2020. You can expect the same level of support for research and evaluation projects with a focus on disseminating and translating research findings into policy and practice. E-news and themed evidence updates will continue to keep you informed. 
New for 2021 - we are developing short courses in sexual health promotion planning and evaluation and advanced training modules on specialist topics such as survey design and data analysis. Online training courses will be available later this year and face to face training workshops, regional visits and the SiREN symposium are planned for 2022, subject to covid-safe restrictions. 
We will shortly be reaching out to seek your input on topics and issues of interest to consider including in training and evidence updates. Expressions of interest for an evaluation or rapid evidence review will also be sought. Watch this space!
Thank you for your continued support. The SiREN team looks forward to working with you again in 2021 and beyond. 

Sexual Health Week and National Condom Day. WA Sexual Health Week will run from February 14 - 21. The ongoing theme for WA Sexual Health Week is Safety, Pleasure and Respect, celebrating and promoting sexual health in its entirety. You can order free Safe Sex Packs from the WA AIDS Council, or you can visit their website for more information and resources. National Condom Day is held annually during Sexual Health Week on February 14. #CondomDay21 is a celebration of healthy relationships, and safe, pleasurable, and consensual sex. The Sexual Health Quarters website is filled with National Condom Day content including downloadable resources, creative events and activity ideas to promote the day within the community. A great resource to share is The Department of Health’s suite of STI and BBV whiteboard videos. Videos are available on the topics of HIVSTIsHepatitis BHepatitis C and more.

International AIDS Society (IAS) call for Committee Members. The IAS is seeking applications for three representatives from international civil society organisations working on HIV to join the International AIDS Society Conference Committee. The IAS Conference Committee is responsible for the strategic planning of all IAS conferences taking place over a four-year cycle to ensure continuity, consistency, responsiveness to the needs of the HIV field and alignment. Individuals wishing to apply to be a civil society representative on the International AIDS Society Conference Committee shall submit an application by Thursday, February 11th. Click here for more info and to apply. 

Updated Standard for Sex, Gender, Variations of Sex Characteristics and Sexual Orientation Variables, 2020. Replacing the 2016 edition, the “2020 Standard” has been developed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics to standardise the collection and dissemination of data relating to sex, gender, variations of sex characteristics and sexual orientation. The 2020 Standard can be used by government, academic and private sector organisations in their own statistical collections to improve the comparability and quality of data. Access the Standard here

Increased access to funded HIV treatment. Australia's response to HIV has been strengthened, as the Australian Health Minister, the Hon. Greg Hunt MP, announced a new government initiative to ensure every person living in Australia with HIV has access to life saving antiretroviral medicine, regardless of Medicare eligibility on World AIDS Day, December 1st 2020. Read more in the Australian Federation for AIDS Organisations media release

PozQoL Website Launched. Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS). A new website has been launched dedicated to the PozQoL Scale, a measure which explores the changes in quality of life among people living with HIV. This measure can help us better understand the needs of people living with HIV, improve the quality of the care and services provided to clients and patients living with HIV, and to better inform decisions to improve health outcomes and quality of life for people living with HIV.

The Flux Study Participant Call-Out. Led by NSW Ministry of Health and the Kirby Institute at the University of New South Wales, The FLUX Study is a nation wide study investigating the impact of COVID-19 on Australian gay and bisexual men's ongoing risk of HIV and sexual and mental health. You may be eligible to participate in the study if you are aged 16 years or older and are a cisgender male, transman, intersex male, self-identify as gay or bisexual or otherwise same-sex attracted, and are currently living in Australia. Click here to find out more.

WA Youth Sexual Health Survey Participant Call-Out. Collaboration for Evidence, Research and Impact in Public Health (CERIPH). SiREN is conducting a survey in collaboration with CERIPH, to investigate the experiences of young (16-25 years) people's sexual health testing, diagnosis and treatment; the factors that influence their testing practices; and methods used to protect themselves against sexually transmissible infections and blood-borne viruses. The data collected through this study will be used to inform public health strategies, service provision, prevention programs, and health education. The survey is open to young people living in Western Australia and can be accessed here. Participants go into the draw to win 1 of 20 $50 gift vouchers. Be quick, the survey closes on Friday, February 12th. 


Finding Ground Conference. West Australian Council of Social Services. This year's theme is Finding Ground: Building a better way back together. In line with the theme, the conference will make way for one of the first major opportunities for the community service sector to come together and plan for the future since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Conference dates: Feb, 22 - 24. Fremantle, Australia. 

Australasian Viral Hepatitis Conference. Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM)This conference is run by ASHM in collaboration with key sector partners in the Viral Hepatitis field. The conference is a platform for the dissemination and presentation of new and innovative research findings and better management of Viral Hepatitis across Australasia. Abstract submissions close Feb, 7. Conference dates: May 30 - June 1. Brisbane, Australia.

IAS Conference on HIV Science. International AIDS Society. This biennial conference presents the critical advances in basic, clinical and operational research that moves science into policy and practice. Through its open and inclusive programme development, the meeting sets the gold standard of HIV research and features highly diverse and cutting-edge studies. Conference dates: July 18 - 21. Berlin, Germany. 

Joint Australasian HIV&AIDS and Sexual Health Conferences 2021. ASHM. The annual joint conferences provide a forum for the workforce to keep up-to-date with research, clinical management, prevention, best practice and policy, including professional development and activities for relevant accreditation. Abstract submissions close May, 2. Conference dates: Sept, 6 - 9. Melbourne, Australia.

Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health. World Association for Sexual Health. This year's conference theme is Leave No One Behind. More details to be announced soon. Conference dates: 9 - 12 September. Cape Town, South Africa. 

Harm Reduction International Conference. Harm Reduction International. This conference is the main global forum for the exchange of information at the intersection of human rights, public health and drug policy, attracting over 1,000 international delegates including service providers, policy makers, UN officials, researchers, advocates and networks of people who use drugs. Conference dates: Dec, 1 - 4. Melbourne, Australia.


HIV and Hepatitis Pre and Post Test Discussion - A short course for infection prevention and control practitioners. Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society. This short course discusses HIV and hepatitis epidemiology, transmission, management, testing, prevention and pre- and post-test discussion.  Designed for people in infection prevention and control and staff health roles. Feb, 11 - 25. Online. 

Enhancing Evaluative Thinking and Reasoning. Australian Evaluation Society (AES). Evaluative thinking and reasoning are becoming increasingly important competencies for evaluators and for evaluation capacity building. This workshop will provide a useful framework for undertaking the processes of evaluative thinking and reasoning. Feb, 15 & 22. Online. 

ASHM/SSHC Clinical Education Session. ASHM and the Sydney Sexual Health Centre. These sessions provide an update on important emerging developments in HIV and STIs, discuss the applicability of results from a journal article to patient population, and give opportunities for clinicians to integrate the latest evidence on a range of clinical topics into diagnosis and management strategies in their clinical settings. Feb, 17. Online.

Understanding the impediments to uptake and diffusion of take-home naloxone in Australia: Report launch and findings from a large qualitative study. ARCSHS. The seminar will present key findings from the Australian Research Council-funded qualitative study investigating impediments to the uptake of take-home naloxone in Australia, and will discuss recommendations for policy and practice. Online. Feb, 17. 

Sex, Drugs, and 'Wild' Self-Care: Re-evaluating 'Risky' Health-related Practices within the Queer Community. Centre for Social Research in Health. This seminar explores the relationship between 'dangerous' health-related practices and the pursuit for well-being using the concept of 'wild self-care'. This approach to self-care describes how 'risky', transgressive, or counter-intuitive practices can be legitimate ways of caring for the body and pursuing agency. Presented by PhD candidate Simon Clay. Online, Feb, 24. 

Practical Evaluation Capacity Building. AES. This seminar equips participants with skills to identify the need for evaluation capacity at different levels of an organisation, strategies that can be used to build capacity, business systems that support evaluative thinking and practice and more. Online. Feb, 24 and March 2. 

Sexual Health in Primary Care. ASHM. This two-part workshop will provide primary care providers with the information and tools required to improve STI screening and care for at-risk and key affected populations. The sessions will also cover strategies available for the prevention of HIV transmission and highlight the importance of contact tracing and partner notification. Online. Feb, 24 & March, 3. 

Outcomes Measurement. The Centre for Social Impact UWA. This 2-day workshop provides participants with the skills to measure and assess an organisation’s impact and how to report this impact. Online. Feb, 24 - 25. 

Boundary Setting and Protective Behaviours. SECCA. This workshop introduces the two fundamental messages of Protective Behaviours for people living with a disability and strategies to support teaching them. This workshop is for parents, carers, students, teachers and health professionals. West Perth, March 4. 

Introduction to Good Clinical Practice. Child and Adolescent Health Service, WA Department of Health. This seminar covers key components of Good Clinical Practice, including responsibilities, approvals, informed consent, document and data management, and reporting of adverse effects. Option to attend a live Seminar at Perth Children's Hospital and other locations around WA, hosted video-conference site at Fiona Stanley Hospital and Royal Perth Hospital, or online via Scopia app. March 5. 

Cross Cultural Communication: Lessons from Living in a Multicultural Family. Centre For Culture, Ethnicity & Health. Hear from Siri, the Training Coordinator at the Centre as she discusses her experiences and cultural competence research to give participants strategies to identify and negotiate cross cultural communication issues in this seminar. March, 16. Online. 

STI and BBV Nursing: Management and Care. ASHM. Through case studies, presentations, group discussion and online learning modules, the course will explore the nurse's role in STI and BBV prevention, care and management. Sessions include clinical presentation and management of STIs, advanced sexual health communication, stigma and discrimination, contact tracing, HIV and viral hepatitis overview and prevention. Online. March 16 - 24. 

Chemsex cultures: Subcultural reproduction and queer survival. ARCSHS. This seminar is part of the ARCSHS Research and Practice Series. Dr João Florêncio from the University of Exeter will explore the subcultural significance of sexualised drug use amongst queer folk. Online. March, 17.

Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Health Promotion Interventions. CERIPH. This flexible online course aims to provide participants with the skills needed to plan, implement and evaluate a health promotion program. Participants will be introduced to relevant health behaviour theories and health promotion frameworks as well as approaches to evaluation. March 22 - June, 19. Online. 

Supporting Puberty and Adolescence. SECCA. Young people with disabilities may require specialised teaching strategies when learning about puberty, sexuality and relationships. This workshop provides practical information for parents, teachers and support workers to help young people understand puberty, and to help them manage this life stage with confidence. West Perth, April 1. 

STARS. Sexual Health Quarters. Stars is a two day introductory course to help build knowledge and confidence to Start Talking About Relationships and Sexual Health with young Aboriginal people. STARS is designed for Aboriginal community members and others working with young Aboriginal people. April, 21 - 22. Northbridge. 

Treating Hepatitis C in General Practice Forum [VIRTUAL]. ASHM. This one-day forum brings together General Practitioners from around Australia to discuss their experiences, strategies for success and innovative models of care for the treatment of people living with hepatitis C in a range of primary care and priority settings. May 29. Online. 

Nuts and Bolts of Sexual Health. Sexual Health Quarters. This training develops the core knowledge, attitudes and skills required to provide information and support for young people around respectful relationships and sexual health issues. It is suitable for a wide range of people working with young people including Aboriginal health workers and other mental health workers, drug and alcohol workers, health promotion officers, nurses and teachers. May, 19 - 21. Online.

Mooditj Leader Training. Sexual Health Quarters. Mooditj Leader Training is a four-day, hands on course to build the skills and confidence to run Mooditj groups for young people. Mooditj Leader Training is designed for Aboriginal community members or people who work with young Aboriginal people in their community. Non-Aboriginal people are expected to partner with an Aboriginal person to run Mooditj. Jun, 1 - 4. Northbridge. 

STIs In WA Primary Care - Online Module. Sexual Health Quarters. The course is intended to provide primary health care professionals with comprehensive education about discussing STIs with patients, and testing for and managing STIs. It includes public health responsibilities and legal issues, and recommends useful online resources for ongoing use. Accessible anytime, online.

Syphilis Outbreak Training. ASHM. Professional development training is now available for health practitioners affected by the ongoing outbreak of infectious syphilis among young Aboriginal people in regions of Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia. The training can be accessed anytime on the ASHM Online Learning System under STI/BBVs in the course catalogue.


School Relationships and Sexuality Education Programs 2021 Grant. The Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Program, WA Department of Health. Small grants (of up to $850) are available to schools to support their Relationships and Sexuality Education programs. The aim of these grants is to provide resources that will assist in the provision of effective Relationships and Sexuality Education. Click here for instructions and eligibility criteria. Applications close March 5, 2021. 

Primary Care Rural Innovative Multidisciplinary Models (PRIMM) Grant. Funded by the Department of Health, the PRIMM grant aims to provide funding to develop local, integrated, multidisciplinary models of primary care through a co-design process with local rural and remote communities. Click here for instructions and eligibility criteria. Applications close March 8, 2021.


Sexual Health Program Manager. ASHM. This Sydney based role involves management of the strategic & technical direction for programs in sexual and reproductive health. Apply by 10pm on Friday, 12 February (AEST). 

Campaigns and Community Engagement Project Officer. National Association of People Living with HIV Australia. This role is based in Newtown, Sydney and involves supporting the implementation of campaign and education projects in 2021. Apply by 4.00pm on Thursday, 25 February (AEST). 

Clinical Nurse - Sexual Health. A small remote clinic in the Kimberley region is seeking a qualified Sexual Health Nurse to join their team. Duties will include gynaecological screening, pap smears and screening for STIs and BBVs. No application closing date, apply now. 

Sexual Health Practitioner. Bega Garnbirringu is recruiting for a Sexual Health Practitioner, who will be responsible for increasing the testing of STIs and BBVs to at-risk groups across the Goldfields region. No application closing date, apply now.