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♥ 😛 This project aims to investigate the impact of the law on WA sex workers; their health and safety; and the intersections between sex workers, service providers and police. The project will help assess the effectiveness of existing services, look at the impact of existing legislation relating to the sex industry and to identify challenges sex workers might experience in accessing services.
It is hoped that the information collected through this study will contribute to decisions about the provision of health services to sex workers and to inform any future legislation relating tosex work. - HOW CAN I GET INVOLVED?
If you are 18 years old or above and you provide sexual services in Western Australia you are eligible to participate in this study. All information collected in this study will be non-identifiable (anonymous). You are able to participate in any of the following capacities:
- Bullet List 1
- Bullet List 2
- Bullet List 3
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Number list 1
- Numbered list 2
- Second level
- Register your interest to act as a key ADVISOR
Please email the project coordinator if you would like to register your interest as a key advisor. As a key advisor you will be asked to assist with identifying potential peer researchers and to provide information about access to health and information services for sex workers, and the general sex industry in Western Australia. Please read the Key Advisor Role Description relevant to you.Sex Worker Advisor role description
Stakeholder Advisor role description
Register your interest as a PEER RESEARCHER
Please download a copy of the Peer Researcher Job Description and send your application to the project coordinator. As a peer researcher you will conduct surveys with other sex workers. You will be reimbursed for your time and employed over a period of approximately 3 months. Applications end close of business August 3, 2016.Peer Researcher role description
Register your interest if you would like to participate in an in-depth interview
Please email the project coordinator if you would like to participate in an interview. The interview can occur either face-to-face, or over the telephone or internet. You will be reimbursed for your time.
Complete the online survey
The survey will include questions about the following: demographic information; access to information, and health services; interactions with police and local council; experiences of violence; occupational health and safety; and mental health and well-being. You will be reimbursed for your time. The survey is currently being finalised and a link will be provided shortly. Please email the project coordinator if you would like the link sent to you once it is ready.
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