2022 - Present




Not yet approved.


Dr Jacqui Hendriks (Curtin University), Dr Roanna Lobo (Curtin University), Dr Daniel Vujcich (Curtin University), Ms Tamara Lipscombe (Curtin University), Mr Mick Pierce (Sexual Health Quarters), Ms Maddi Whittle (Sexual Health Quarters). 


In August 2021, the Australian Federal Government provided funding to Sexual Health Quarters to implement the fly-in-fly-out (FIFO) Sexual Health Project (FIFOSHP). This pilot project seeks to provide insight into what sexual health promotion strategies would work to improve FIFO workers' knowledge and use of sexually transmissible infection (STI) and blood-borne virus (BBV) prevention measures. Other objectives of the project include assessing the current perceptions of FIFO workers towards such measures and increasing their access to condoms and STI/BBV testing.  

SHQ partnered with Rio Tinto Iron Ore to deliver the pilot project to their FIFO workforce, including clinical and non-clinical staff. The project was broken up into five different phases: 

  1. Development of stakeholder partnership 
  2. Education and training for support staff
  3. Health promotion campaign
  4. Procedural changes and supports
  5. On-site community education and engagement 

The aims of the pilot project are to:

  • Reduce the transmission and prevalence rates of STIs and BBVs in the Australian population, by targeting the FIFO workforce as a priority population through which this may be addressed.
  • Produce resources that may be adapted for future iterations of the project.  

The objectives of the pilot project were to:  

  1. To increase testing and treatment rates for BBVs and STIs in the WA FIFO populations
  2. To increase awareness and uptake of BBV and STI prevention strategies/behaviours
  3. To develop innovative ways to promote BBV and STI testing


This research is supported by funding from Sexual Health Quarters.


Dr Roanna Lobo