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Workshops, training and events

This section provides links to current workshops, training and events that may be useful for people and organisations working to prevent and manage sexual health and blood-borne viruses in WA.






Managing Hepatitis B, Training for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workforce

ASHM. This interactive course will deepen your knowledge of hepatitis B management in community. 

31 July

Larrakia Country, Garamilla, Darwin


WA Sexual and Reproductive Health in Primary Care

ASHM. This two-part online course aims to provide practitioners with an overview of sexual and reproductive health care in general practice, covering sexual health, sexual history taking, STI screening, contraception and unintended pregnancy.   This training also discusses how STI screening can be integrated into contraception and unintended pregnancy consultations. 

10-17 August



Navigating conversations: talking healthy relationships and consent with multicultural youths

Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health. Babin Mahat shares his experiences in working with multicultural youth. Tune in to hear some of his strategies for navigating conversations around healthy relationships and consent.

13 August



Essentials of Medical Abortion in WA for Peel and Regional Clinicians – via live Webinar

Sexual Health Quarters. This live webinar is only available to doctors, nurses and midwives working in Peel or regional Western Australia. The presentation is designed for clinicians seeking support in navigating WA’s newly implemented abortion laws and aims to build confidence and skills in providing best practice medication abortion care under the new legislation. 

27 August



Mooditj Leader Training

Sexual Health Quarters. Mooditj Leader Training is a four-day, hands on course to build the skills and confidence to run Mooditj groups for young people. Aboriginal Educators take a lead role in delivering this culturally safe and fun course.

27-30 August 

12-15 November

Boorloo, Northbridge, WA


Relationships Education

SECCA. The workshop was developed to support educators with practical strategies they can use within their role, increase confidence around the topic and find more assistance if needed.

Sexuality and Relationships Education best practice guidelines are introduced as well as comprehensive and age-appropriate content. 


4 October

Boorloo, West Perth, WA


Nuts and Bolts of Sexual Health

Sexual Health Quarters. This course develops core knowledge, attitudes and skills required to provide information and support for young people around respectful relationships and sexual health issues.

8-10 October

Boorloo, Northbridge, WA


Feel Safe: Protective Behaviours for Young Adults

SECCA. This full day workshop will address complex components of Protective Behaviours including problem solving and emergencies, wanted and unwanted touch, internet safety and pornography.

1 November

Boorloo, West Perth, WA


SiREN Short Courses

Free online training modules designed to support those working in the Western Australian sexual health and blood-borne virus sector.

Available on-demand, these modules will build your capabilities in health promotion planning and evaluation.




Introduction to Working with Trans and Gender Diverse People

Shine SA. This online course has been developed to support people in their understanding of gender diversity. It will cover key concepts and terms related to gender diversity and provide an introduction to supporting trans and gender diverse people.

Access anytime



Facets of Rural Sexual Health

University of Melbourne & Centre for Excellence in Rural Sexual Health. CERSH has developed free and accredited online learning modules for rural health professionals and other interested rural workers. There are currently 12 modules available. The overall aim of the modules is to provide practitioners with knowledge and skills regarding aspects of sexual health that particularly pertain to the rural setting.




Trans and Gender Diverse Sexual Health Care e-learning

ASHM & ACON. The Trans and Gender Diverse Sexual Health Care e-learning has been co-designed and developed for clinicians working in a sexual health clinical setting or delivering sexual health care in primary health care settings.




Introduction to syphilis for midwives: Western Australia

ASHM. This course is for Western Australian midwives to develop their skills to confidently discuss sexual health with patients, conduct guideline-based syphilis screening and testing, identify health pathways of pregnancy in syphilis, and initiate contact tracing. The training can be accessed anytime on the ASHM Online Learning System by searching 'Syphilis for Midwives' in the course catalogue. An ASHM login is required.







Centre for Social Impact. #Impact2020 was a series of educational webinars. You can now upskill yourself and view all 35 webinars, hearing from innovative researchers, educators and leaders as they discuss social impact. 




STI's in WA Primary Care

Delivered by Sexual Health Quarters, this course is intended to provide primary health care professionals with comprehensive education about discussing STIs with patients, and testing for and managing STIs. It includes public health responsibilities and legal issues, and recommends useful online resources for ongoing use. Participants will have one month from the date of enrolment in which to complete units. 




Presenting at conferences

This video resource was developed by SiREN and will to support you to prepare a memorable conference presentation. It will step you through how to shape your presentation, how to prepare for questions from your audience and provide you with three key elements of effective presentations.




SHBBV Program Planning, Implementation and Evaluation Toolkit and Videos

This video series was developed by SiREN and steps you through how to plan, implement and evaluate your SHBBV project. The steps described in the video series are described in the SiREN SHBBV Program Planning Toolkit.




Your Cultural Lens

Interactive online cross cultural training package for health service providers. It takes less than 40 minutes to complete and modules can be paused and recommenced at any time.




ASHM Learning Modules

ASHM offers a free range of online learning modules. These modules are evidence based, peer reviewed and tailored to meet the needs of healthcare professionals working with people living with or at risk of HIV, viral hepatitis and other blood-borne viruses/sexually transmitted infections. 




Hump Day Health WAAC. Hump Day Health sessions occur on the second Wednesday of every month and provide the workforce with valuable updates on HIV and current treatments, health promotion messaging and how to address stigma and discrimination in sexual health provision. Contact to register your attendance. Ongoing Online


Syphilis Outbreak Training

ASHM. Professional development training is available for health practitioners affected by the ongoing outbreak of infectious syphilis among young Aboriginal people in regions of Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia.  The training can be accessed anytime on the ASHM Online Learning System under STI/BBVs in the course catalogue. An ASHM login is required.

