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E-News Issue 59

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SiREN Planning and Evaluation Face-to-Face Course. SiREN. This is a FREE in-person course designed specifically for those working in the WA Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus (SHBBV) sector. This interactive 2-day course will build participants' knowledge and skills in health promotion planning and evaluation. Staff with experience in planning and evaluation and SHBBVs will join you on your learning journey. Support will be offered to enable participants to apply learnings to their professional practice after the course has finished. Thursday 7th and Friday 8th November 2024. Curtin University, Bentley Campus. 

If you are interested in attending this course, please email to register. 

Liver Cancer Awareness Month. October marks Liver Cancer Awareness month and is a time to reflect on the importance of liver health and the rising cases of liver cancer across Australia. Share resources from Hepatitis QueenslandHepatitis B Foundation or LiverWELL to raise awareness this month. 

Annual Report of Trends in Behaviour 2024 released. UNSW CSRH have launched the 2024 Annual Report of Trends in Behaviour: Viral hepatitis, HIV, STIs and sexual health in Australia. The report highlights key behaviour performance indicators, emerging topics and key research outputs covering viral hepatitis, alcohol and recreational drug use, HIV, STIs, sexual health and stigma. 

Annual Membership Survey Report 2024-2025 Published. The Alcohol and Other Drug Consumer & Community Coalition (AODCCC) have launched their 2024-2025 Annual Membership Survey Report. The annual membership survey allows AODCCC members to actively participate in the organisation to inform their work and to provide in-depth and expert lived experience perspectives of alcohol and other drugs. 

1800 4 Choice – Interactive Map Launched. Sexual Health Quarters have launched a new feature on the 1800 4 Choice website. The interactive map connects people experiencing unplanned pregnancy with pro-choice abortion service providers in their area. It can also filter services based on gestation limit, accessibility, fees, languages spoken and more. Go to to find the map. 

Viral Hepatitis Mapping Project: National Reports Published. ASHM. The Viral Hepatitis Mapping Project aims to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C in Australia by assessing variation in prevalence and care uptake according to geographic region. The National Reports track progress towards targets contained in the National Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Strategies and identifies areas where prevalence is high and/or care or treatment uptake is low, providing the opportunity to engage with affected communities, prioritise interventions, and improve local service delivery in areas of greatest need. Read the reports here

Research Opportunities

Minus18: National Survey of LGBTQIA+ Youth Voice in Australia. Minus 18, Australia’s charity which aims to improve the lives of LGBTQIA+ young people, has launched Queer Youth Now: The National Survey of LGBTQIA+ Youth Voice in Australia. This national survey of LGBTQIA+ youth aged 13 to 25, aims to address the limited data on the experiences of queer young people in Australia. The survey is available to participate in now.

Youth Advisory Group. Walkern Katatdjin are seeking LGBTQIA+ young people, aged 14-25 years old, who are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander to join their Youth Advisory Group. The project aims to increase the knowledge around Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQIA+ young people’s social emotional wellbeing and mental health, in order to improve the services that are available. 

The SSASH Survey. La Trobe University. The Australian Survey of Secondary Students and Sexual Health (SSASH) is a national study exploring the sexual health and well-being of Australian adolescents. The anonymous survey asks questions about knowledge, behaviour and educational experiences related to sexual health and well-being. The SSASH Survey is currently recruiting participants aged 14-18 years old who are living in Australia.


SiREN Short Courses. The SiREN Short Courses are free online training modules designed to support those working in the Western Australian SHBBV sector. Available on-demand, these modules will build your capabilities in health promotion planning and evaluation. Each course contains a series of modules with videos, readings and activities enabling you to apply the concepts to a topic relevant to your work. Experienced staff will join you on your learning journey. The training is open to those working in Western Australia only. Click here to enrol.

Nuts and Bolts of Sexual Health. Sexual Health Quarters. This course develops core knowledge, attitudes and skills required to provide information and support for young people around respectful relationships and sexual health issues. This course has been designed for youth workers and others in the youth sector. 8-10 October, Northbridge, WA.  

Drop the Jargon Day Webinar. This year on Drop the Jargon Day, the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health North Richmond Community Health are focusing on how health literacy initiatives can make an impact. Join the webinar to learn how a health literacy project could benefit your workplace and hear about the important work of the Continence Foundation of Australia and see how it's helped improve consumer outcomes. 23 October. Online.  

Feel Safe: Protective Behaviours for Young Adults. SECCA. This workshop will address complex components of Protective Behaviours including problem solving and emergencies, wanted and unwanted touch, internet safety and pornography. 1 November 2024, West Perth, WA. 

Mooditj Leader Training. Sexual Health Quarters. This 3-day course provides hands on capacity building that enhances the confidence and knowledge of youth workers to yarn with young Aboriginal people about relationships and sexual health and support them to make positive and informed choices about their wellbeing and relationships. 12-14 November, Northbridge, WA.  

Intimate Partner Violence and Reproductive Coercion and Abuse eLearning. Sexual Health Quarters. This comprehensive eLearning package is designed to build understanding of intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion and abuse, and develop participants’ ability to recognise, respond and refer people experiencing violence. Available on-demand. Online. 


Youth Health Conference. The Australian Association for Adolescent Health 2024 Youth Health Conference is an opportunity to bring together private and public sector specialists and professionals from various disciplines involved in youth health practice and research to network, share experiences and showcase the latest findings, practices and models of care in adolescent health. Abstract submissions are closed. 11-13 November 2024. Meanjin, Brisbane, Australia.

Tackling Stigma Conference. UNSW CSRH. This conference will focus on cross cutting approaches to understanding and addressing stigma, promote conversations and debate regarding systemic and structural issues that contribute to experiences of stigma in health care settings, and discuss novel strategies to overcome stigma as a barrier to health care. Abstract submissions are closed. 21-22 November 2024. Gadigal Country, Sydney, Australia. 

WA Alcohol & Other Drug Conference 2025. WANADA. This conference will bring together a mix of Western Australian alcohol and other drug professionals, service users and their families, researchers, academics, students, not-for-profit organisations, NGOs, and government representatives for an important exchange of ideas and insights on alcohol and other drugs. Abstract submissions close 5:00PM WAST. 29 November 2024. 5-7 March 2025. Boorloo, Perth, Australia. 

15th Australasian Viral Hepatitis Conference. ASHM. This conference  aims to support the health workforce, government and community to work towards the elimination of hepatitis B and hepatitis C through dissemination and presentation of new and innovative research findings and better management across the Australasian viral hepatitis sector. Abstract submissions close 11:59PM AEDT. 9 February 2025. 6-8 August 2025. Naarm, Melbourne, Australia. 


AHPA 2025/26 Scholarship Program. The Australian Health Promotion Association (WA Branch) is taking applications for the 2025/26 Scholarships Program. The Scholarships Program is funded by Healthway and offers four twelve-month workplace scholarships starting from January 2025. Applications close 15 November 2024. Learn more about the scholarship and eligibility here

Miscarriage Support Grants. The Department of Health and Aged Care are offering miscarriage support grants to fund one or more organisations with demonstrated expertise in providing care and support to women and families impacted by miscarriage with a focus on priority population groups. Learn more about eligibility and apply here

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship. Sexual Health Quarters are offering a scholarship to one Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Doctor and one Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurse to participate in one of their Certificate Programs. Click here for more information. 

Scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander focused workers. SHINE SA are offering scholarships to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander focused workers for participation in their courses and professional development programs. Priority for these scholarships will be given to professionals who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples or work in an Aboriginal organisation and have a strong interest in sexual and reproductive health. SHINE SA will cover the full cost of the applicant’s course of choice. Applications close 1 July 2025. Click here for more information.