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What We Do

The Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Applied Research and Evaluation Network (SiREN) supports service providers, researchers and policy-makers working in the sexual health and blood-borne virus space to engage in research and evaluation.

SiREN’s services include:

  • Providing tailored project planning, evaluation and research support;
  • Undertaking applied research and evaluation;
  • Identifying and promoting opportunities for collaboration;
  • Developing research and evaluation skills; and
  • Sharing research and evaluation evidence.

SiREN maintains a network of around 400 professionals working in the sexual health and blood-borne virus space. Through this network SiREN shares the latest sexual health and blood-borne virus evidence, news, events, jobs, funding opportunities, and more.

SiREN can provide strategic planning, evaluation and research support and advice to people with an interest in the WA sexual health and blood-borne virus sector. Please contact us via to discuss further.

If you work in service delivery SiREN can:

Collaborate on projects and provide you with project planning, research and evaluation support that is specific to your needs. You can contact SiREN for support on: How to design your project to increase effectiveness; evaluate outcomes for people accessing services; understanding ethics; clarifying your evaluation and research questions and methods; identifying grants and preparing funding applications;

writing abstracts and presenting at conferences; and writing up the findings from your projects to maximise dissemination and more.

If you are a researcher SiREN can:

Connect you with individuals and organisations in Western Australia to support your research; provide you with opportunities to share your research via our Evidence Update emails or biennial symposium; and collaborate on research projects and research translation activities.

If you work in policy SiREN can:

Undertake applied research and evaluation to inform policy development; search for relevant evidence of what works in the peer-reviewed and grey literature; and offer a range of research and evaluation support to your funded organisations.

For more information, read our factsheet.

Start a conversation with the SiREN team by emailing